送孩子Medicom(1/6实物9厘米模型)British SAS Heckler & Koch MP5A5_玩乐/收藏/玩具/动漫/模型/卡通_中国包客
    Medicom(1/6实物9厘米模型)British SAS Heckler & Koch MP5A5
¥199.00 包邮

Medicom(1/6实物9厘米模型)British SAS Heckler & Koch MP5A5

24小时发货 积分抵现5%销量:109积分:14
人工质检 先行赔付 8天无理由退货
验货师评语优点 标签:实物,模型,British,Medicom,SAS

Medicom(1/6实物9厘米模型)British SAS Heckler & Koch MP5A5评价

新疆石河子 ID876532 :

甘肃定西 ID939865 :

广西河池 ID961115 :

描述相符:4.92 服务态度:4.92 发货速度:5.00
  • Medicom(1/6实物9厘米模型)British SAS Heckler & Koch MP5A5 ¥199.00
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店铺名称: 军机处

旺旺: arthureer

商品永久链接: Medicom(1/6实物9厘米模型)British SAS Heckler & Koch MP5A5






The Heckler & Koch MP5 (from German: Maschinenpistole 5, "machine pistol model 5") is a 9mm submachine gun of German design, developed in the 1960's by a team of engineers from the German small arms manufacturer Heckler & Koch GmbH. The MP5 is currently one of the most widely used submachine guns in the world, having been adopted by numerous military, law enforcement, intelligence and security organisations. In the 1990's, Heckler & Koch developed the Heckler & Koch UMP, the MP5's successor, though both remain in production.
The MP5 SD6 variant has a retractable buttstock, 3-round burst trigger group and integrated suppressor.

In 1974 H&K initiated design work on a sound-suppressed variant of the MP5, designated theMP5SD(SD—SchalldämpferGerman for "sound suppressor"), which features an integral but detachable aluminium sound suppressor and a lightweight bolt. The weapon's 146 mm (5.7 in) barrel has 30 2.5 mm (0.1 in) ports drilled forward of the chamber through which escaping gases are diverted to the surrounding sealed tubular casing that is screwed on to threading on the barrel’s external surface just prior to the ported segment. The suppressor itself is divided into two stages; the initial segment surrounding the ported barrel serves as an expansion chamber for the propellant gases, reducing gas pressure to slow down the acceleration of the projectile. The second, decompression stage occupies the remaining length of the suppressor tube and contains a stamped metal helix separator with several compartments which increase the gas volume and decrease its temperature, deflecting the gases as they exit the muzzle, so muffling the exit report. The bullet leaves the muzzle at subsonic velocity, so it does not generate a sonic shock wave in flight. As a result of reducing the barrel’s length and venting propellant gases into the suppressor, the bullet’s muzzle velocity was lowered anywhere from 16% to 26% (depending on the ammunition used) while maintaining the weapon’s automation and reliability. The weapon was designed to be used with standard supersonic ammunition with the suppressor on at all times.

MP5A2 has a fixed stock (made of a synthetic polymer), whereas the compactMP5A3has a retractable metal stock.

In the early 1970s HK introduced a conversion kit for the MP5 that enables it to use sporting ammunition (.22 LR). This unit consists of a barrel insert, a bolt group and two 20-round magazines. This modification reduces the cyclic rate to 650 rounds/min.

The MP5A2 and MP5A3 are available with optional four-position trigger groups; these are known as theMP5A4andMP5A5respectively. The trigger groups are marked with bullet pictograms rather than letters or numbers (each symbol represents the number of bullets that will be fired when the trigger is pulled and held rearward with a full magazine inserted in the weapon) and are fully ambidextrous (the selector lever is present on each side of the trigger housing). The additional setting of the fire selector, one place before the fully automatic setting, enables a two or three-shot burst firing mode.

The modular design of the MP5 offers multiple trigger groups: three-position "SEF" fire selector (positions: "S"-safe, "E"-semi automatic, "F" fully automatic. Located on left of receiver only); three-position fire selector (positions: safe, semiautomatic and a 2- or 3-round burst; selector lever is ambidextrous and its settings are marked with pictograms); four-position fire selector (positions: weapon safe, single fire, 2- or 3-round burst, full auto; ambidextrous selector; selector settings marked with pictograms); two-position fire control group (positions: weapon safe, single fire only; ambidextrous selector lever with pictograms) and a three-position fire selector group—the so-called “Navy” trigger (settings: weapon safe, semi-automatic, fully automatic fire; ambidextrous selector lever; selector settings marked with bullet symbols again).

A variant with the last trigger group designated theMP5-N(N—Navy) was developed in 1986 for the United States Navy. This model has a collapsible stock, a tritium-illuminated front sight post and a 225 mm (8.9 in) threaded barrel for use with a stainless steel sound suppressor made by Knight's Armament Company together with quieter subsonic ammunition.

留意: 上述概述(设计/质材/结构/功能等产品资料)为1/1比例实物参考用,本店出售产品为1/6比例玩具模型。

Medicom(1/6实物9厘米模型)British SAS Heckler & Koch MP5A5 with Vision Scope & Foregrip


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